Archive for the ‘My Life’ Category


Gossips and Moca … the boutiques

June 7, 2008

Today, I feel like featuring Juleen, so I requested her to write …

Tips: It is easy to request anything from a girl especially after shopping!!

Jul blogging

—————————– —Juleen————————————————

Good afternoon people, I am Juleen, RuehYinn’s girlfriend… Since today is public holiday ( I work on Saturday), I bugged RuehYinn to bring me for shopping. We went boutique hopping in Bangsar today. Walk into few boutiques, but there two boutiques that I feel like sharing with you guys. The first one is the Moca.


One thing that really capture my eyes is the design of the entrace door. It is a big blackboard but green in color actually. Such a brilliant idea. You guys really should check it out:-

Jul and Door

In my opinion, Moca is a niche boutique. The boutique has nice, unique mini-Ts that just fits, colors are very pastel-ish and girly. You will love the designs on the mini – Ts. Even though it is a boutique, the atmosphere liken a western coffee shop. I love the ambiance. Imagine, when you are looking for sizes, you don’t ask for size S, M or L. Instead you ask for Tall, Grande, and Venti. Cool huh? Most important to me, I think their pricing policy is not too bad.

If you are as interested as me, here is the name card:-

moca contact

See!! Even their name card is not on the card. It is on the serviette. How interesting?

Anyway, I saw a checked shorts. Very nice and RuehYinn loves its a lot. But too bad there aren’t any sizes for me anymore. However, no worries, I shall go back again some time to check out for the new designs..

Next, we went to the Gossips, only a few shops away from the Moca. No, no… I don’t go there to Gossips. I go there for shopping. According to them, this is what girls do best! Shopping and gossiping.. Over there, you will find anything ranging from sweet flora dresses to classy silk evening blouses. They are just nicely designed. Oh, not just that you will find women accessories, bags and shoes too. And best of all, their price are reasonable.

It was my lucky day, I found a beautiful dress for myself. So if I can get a dress there, you can too…

Jul and Bag

If you would like to visit the boutique, here is the address:-

Gossip contact

Now, after a few hours of shopping at Bangsar, we are at Starbucks, Bangsar Village II enjoying the newly introduced Dark Mocha Frappucino and a piece of Black Forest Cake. I personally, love the taste of Dark Mocha Frappucino and you guys should give a try. It is a bit pricey though…


I shall end my writing here. I hope you got something useful from my posting. Gotta rush back to collect RuehYinn’s car from the workshop and start baking! Handing back to RuehYinn…

Signing Off


So what you guys think of Juleen’s post? Give your comment here… it is important as I am contemplating whether to include Juleen as the co – author for this blog. I can’t do this alone, man. You guys are just too demanding…hahaha. Anyway, putting joke aside, I was just thinking probably she can give some input on food and fashion. Let’s call it F & F ! Hmm….F & F sounds funny now!!

Anything starts with the word F always to lead something else…sigh…whatever!!


The Day When All Malaysian Rush to Gas Stations…

June 4, 2008

Today is an exciting day for me. I shall remembered it as the The Day When All Malaysian Rush to Gas Stations. When I say ALL, I mean ALL. It all began at ….

At 5.20pm:

BREAKING NEWS: Petrol will be RM2.70 a litre at midnight tonight.

The new price of premium leaded petrol (ULG 97) is RM2.70 per litre beginning midnight tonight, it was announced a moment ago. The price for ULG 92 petrol per litre went up by 74 sen to RM2.62. Diesel will go up by RM1 per litre to RM2.58. The 78 sen hike or 40 per cent increase for the ULG 97 petrol is still below the antiticpated RM4 per litre price projected earlier and among the cheapest in Asia. The announcement was made by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi at a news conference. (NSTP, June 4 2008 )

At 6.30pm (As I was walking to LRT Station)

Congestion at KL

Normally, this road is only this congested when it is raining. Now look at the sky. It’s sunny. Next look at the pathway. It’s dry. Overall, it was a good evening.

Still don’t believe it is a good sunny evening? Alright, can you see that the two ladies sitting and gossiping (I assumed) by the side of the road?? Alright now you believe it was a good evening, but why the heck the road is so congested? It was so bad that the cars are virtually not moving at all. Not even moving from bumper to bumper.

Somehow, my 6th sense (as if I have, ha ha), told me something was wrong. And it was confirmed when I saw the condition in KLCC’s parking:-

Parking at KLCC

The parking was relatively empty compared to the normal day. A lot of empty parking slots indicates many people has left. But why?

From 6.45pm – 9.45pm

Between this period of time, I was in LRT then KTM before I reached the Gardens @ Midvalley after all the squeezing in the train. I was at the Gardens to have dinner with Juleen and Cheryl Leong at Sushi Zanmai. I will be blogging about this restaurant and the food soon. This shall be my first attempt to become a food critic, so stay tune. Anyway, over the dinner more than half of the topics we talked about has something to do with gasoline. So much to talk about that I am convinced, we can write a research thesis about it. The title for the thesis will be “In Depth Analysis and Impact of High Oil Price in Malaysia“. Ha ha ha…

The girls went for a short shopping right after dinner. And…

At 9.55pm , when we were driving back home,

Traffic Congestion

We realized we chose the wrong route home. Imagine, this was the condition in Bangsar at 9.55pm on the weekday. Absolutely not normal, right? The traffic flow was so slow that instantly I felt so sleepy in the car. Imagine, so slow that even Mr. Tortoise would travel faster than our car. As we drove a little further, we realized that the congestion was caused by cars queuing up to get into the gas station:-

Petrol Station Rush

We just find it amusing to see the scenario again and again at different gas stations. I guess that’s what kept us calm and steady in the car despite the traffic condition. Nope, we are not part of them because Juleen had already filled up her tank before 5pm… hehe…

1. Bangsar again…

Rush to Gas Station

2. At Section 17…

Rushing to Gas Station

3. Somewhere at Petaling Jaya

Rush to Gas Station

In total, our journey from Midvalley to Bandar Utama took us one and half hour which normally take us mere 20 minutes.

At the end of the day, I am happy because of I am part of this historical moment in Malaysia.

What about my view on the fuel price increase?

To be frank, my heart was crushed and it was like a nightmare came true to me when the government announced the fuel price increase. Forty one percent (41%) increase in fuel is too much to bear, really. I pump on average RM300 a month and now I have to fork out extra RM120 per month for the same amount of fuel. That is a lot of money guys! Anyway, I guess instead of being adamant over the issues, might as well I look at the issues through the kids’ eye, assuming everything will be okay:-

Kid Happy

P/S: Now I am more inspired to write the Part II of Fuel Saving Tips…but I am very sleepy… yawn…ZzzZZzzzzz!


Fuel Saving Tips (Part II) but …

June 4, 2008

I was about to write about my Fuel Saving Tips Part (II) until I saw the The Star’s today newspaper headline. The headline for June 3, 2008 is “NEW FUEL SUBSIDY” and “Govt to announce scheme tomorrow, say Pak Lah“.


I stopped for a while, deciding whether I should continue writing or not. I decided not to, simply because I wanna see what kind of new subsidy scheme the government is going implement and most importantly what are the rakyats’ response after the long awaited announcement. Who knows the announcement might cause me to re-consider my tips. However, I don’t think that is likely. In fact I think you guys will love my tips so much, that you all might just embrace my idea without any second thought.

So just stay tune for the Part II on Fuel Saving Tips.

Before I end this post. I just wanna let you guys know that, I am feeling touched and encouraged by you guys. You guys?…yes you guys the readers. You all are just superb. Look below:-

Record Stats

My blog has been in new record setting spree since May 31. As of midnight, I already have 94 views on my blog. To be frank, I am very happy each time I see record high hit but at the same time I am not convince that I will repeat the feat. But with you guys’ support, I have been hitting record high for the past 4 days.

Even I have to die now, I think I will die as a happy man and end up as a happy ghost…hahaha!

Anyway, from the “deepest” bottom of my heart, I wanna say thank you guys for your support. It does encourage me to continue writing. I have personal target actually, that is, if I continue writing for the next 6 months and consistently getting 250 hits everyday, I shall consider getting myself a domain and host it. It would be great if I can do that in the next 6 months. Now you know my target, so why still sitting around? Go spread the news about my blog….hahahaha.

If I have the opportunity I want my blog to be as “powderful” as kennysia’s and xiaxue’s blog. Imagine getting 17,000 – 20,000 hits a day. Wahhhhh……

Now leave me alone to IMAGINE !!…Shoooh…

Moral of this post:-

If you can imagine it, then you can have it!

Latest Update: Total hit for June 3 is 100.


Tips: How to do business with two cows

June 1, 2008

I am in need of a dose of humor to make up the remaining of my day. So here it goes, a dose of cow joke for those that need it ! However, please read disclaimer first before you proceed…

Disclaimer: This joke is intended to cheer people up especially when a person is very unhappy, like me now. No intention to humiliate anyone. This joke is neither created nor posted endorsed by me. It was published here because it is freaking funny and I can’t help myself not to post it. Good thing is to be shared. Good joke is a good thing, so it has to be shared. However if you are a person that is lack or (worse still) no sense of humor, please omit this post and proceed to other posts. This blog provides wide variety of themes and I am sure you will find something suitable for you to read. I can keep on blah blah ing on this disclaimer “just for you” (those that do not have sense of humor) but I need to stop before I bored my reader who has the sense of humor. To end this disclaimer, I would like to leave a wise word, ” laughter is the best medicine“.


Picture Originally Posted by kwerfeldein

———————-Enjoy & Laugh————————————————

You have two cows.
You sell one and buy a bull.
Your herd multiplies and the economy grows.
You sell them and retire on the income.

You have two cows.
You sell one and force the other to produce the milk of four cows.
You are surprised when the cow drops dead.

You have two cows.
You go on strike because you want three cows.

You have two cows.
You redesign them so they are one-tenth the size of an ordinary cow and
produce twenty times the milk.
You then create clever cow cartoon images called ‘Cowkimon’ and market
them World-Wide.

You have two cows.
You re-engineer them so they live for 100 years, eat once a month, and
milk themselves.

You have two cows.
Both are mad.

You have two cows, but you don’t know where they are.
You break for lunch.

You have 5,000 cows and none of which belong to you.
You charge others for storing them.

You have two cows.
You have 300 people milking them.
You claim full employment and high bovine productivity.
You have the newsman who reported on the numbers arrested.

You have two cows.
You worship them.

You have two cows.
You signed a 40-year contract to supply milk at RM0.06 per litre.
Then midway through, you raised the price to RM0.60 or you cut the supply.
When the buyer agrees to the new price, you change your mind again and
now want RM1.20. The buyer decided you can keep the milk.
They go look for milk that comes from recycled cows or the cow urine
instead. Your two cows retire together with the Prime Minister.

You have two cows.
One cow-peh and one cow-bu

—————————-Be Merry——————————————————-


My midnight part time job…

May 31, 2008

Just like many others having part time job on top of their full time job, I am not excluded too. I have a part time job and I have been serving my job for few months now.

Sigh… What to do? Life is tough now… with current high inflation and low pay job, I just need to find extra money to continue sustaining my current expenses and bills. After all, if I don’t work hard when I am still young and energetic, when else? He he he… Anyway, I gotta stop whining. Complains always make one person lethargic, don’t you think so?

Try to guess what is my part time job? My only hint: I usually start working late at night… Could I work as a:-

1. Strip club bouncer

Night Club Bouncer

2. Gigolo?


Hahaha… make your mind straight guys. None, of the above actually. My part time job is a “general worker” to my girlfriend when she starts baking late at night. My job scope includes…

1. preparing the utensils

2. mixing all the ingredients

3. do some light decorating and

4. wash and clean up and etc …etc… etc… (general jobs essentially)

Oh…for all the jobs that I do above…I don’t get paid. I’m just a “slave” working for my girlfriend just to have a piece of her cup cake. An hour job for 2 cup cakes… I know what comes to your mind… You guys must be thinking I am such an idiot to work for 2 cup cakes for an hour. But think of it that way, people are selling cup cakes outside for RM4.50 per piece. So effectively I am taking home RM9.00 per hour. I challenge you guys to find me such a good deal for a part timer :-). I just need food, that’s all…

If my justification is not acceptable, just think of it this way…All are done in the name of love. The love for her and the cup cakes…hahaha.

Okay, cut the crap. These are some of the cup cake pictures that I took. All are freshly bake cup cakes:-

Cupcake 1

and zoom in version…

Cupcakes 2

After faithfully perform my job, I got to enjoy my wages…

Cupcakes 3

Super duper yummy….

Yawn.. I need some sleep now. Signing off..goodnight…

May 31, 2008 @ 2.45am


Breakfast @ McDonald…

May 29, 2008

Woke up early this morning to have breakfast with Juleen at McDonald. Not exactly a very romantic place to have breakfast but that is what she requested a day before, so I have to fulfill it. I’m not sure what’s wrong with her lately. She has this deep craving for fast food. Two days ago, she felt like eating KFC, some people called it Killing Friendly Chicken, my office called it the Kar Fu’s Clan (KF is my colleague)..but I called it errr….whatever!!

Anyway, it was a good breakfast. I am not referring to the breakfast set but the time spent eating with her. Though, we have to rush through our breakfast which is not healthy (so don’t try it at home), we have a good 15 minutes quality and lovely chat. We had the McValue Meal Breakfast but frankly speaking, the meal doesn’t provide much ‘value’ since it costs RM8.00++ per person.

McD Breakfast

McD Breakfast

What to do? This is a capitalist world, everything you want comes with a price. Anyway, the McValue Meal Breakfast comes with pancake + sausage + hash brown + coffee.

McD Breakfast

Try this: It is tasty to eat the pancake + sausage + syrup + margarine together. Ohh..don’t forget to take a sip of coffee while those food are still in your mouth. The blend is just perfect !!

McD Breakfast

Last but not least the harsh hash brown. Take the coffee to go if you are late for work or school… and RUNnnnNNN…. Hahaha..

I hope the food will provides me the much needed energy for the day, especially when I need to cramp myself in the LRT. The tremor in the LRT always make me sick! I don’t know why… Look, I can’t even get a nice picture using my cellphone:-


Moral of this post:-

“Marriages are all happy its having breakfast together that causes all the trouble.” Irish Proverb quotes

“Never work before breakfast. If you have to work before breakfast, get your breakfast first.” Josh Billings


Juleen @ Pull & Bear, Pavilion

May 25, 2008